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Currently reading

Perfect Touch: A Novel
Elizabeth Lowell
By the Horns (Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 2)
Rachael Slate, AJ Nuest, Kelley Heckart
Dangerous Passions: 12 Tales of Contemporary Sexy Hot Alpha Heroes - Cops, Navy SEALs, Marines, Military, FBI Agents, Secret Agents, Police Captains, Spies, and More
Elle Kennedy, Opal Carew, J.M. Madden, Karen Fenech, Gennita Low, Dana Marton, Kylie Brant, Nina Bruhns, Caridad PiƱeiro, Elle James, Julie Miller, Linda Winstead Jones
Accidentally Hooked (The Naked Truth Series Book 1) - Carmen Falcone

I'm hooked!  What do you get when you put together a girl pretending to be a hooker and a hot Australian trying to prove his soon-to-be-brother is running a prostitution ring? A sexy read with a side of danger!  Super hot scenes and even some emotional moments make this a great read. The only reason I deducted a star was because I needed more detail when resolving the crime element of the story.


ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.