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Currently reading

Perfect Touch: A Novel
Elizabeth Lowell
By the Horns (Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 2)
Rachael Slate, AJ Nuest, Kelley Heckart
Dangerous Passions: 12 Tales of Contemporary Sexy Hot Alpha Heroes - Cops, Navy SEALs, Marines, Military, FBI Agents, Secret Agents, Police Captains, Spies, and More
Elle Kennedy, Opal Carew, J.M. Madden, Karen Fenech, Gennita Low, Dana Marton, Kylie Brant, Nina Bruhns, Caridad PiƱeiro, Elle James, Julie Miller, Linda Winstead Jones
Bad For Me (Rock Canyon, Idaho) - Codi Gary

This book had a more serious tone that some of the previous books in the series. Both Everett and Callie have gone through traumatic experiences that have shaped who they are today. Although they are attracted to each other, they are both are afraid of how their pasts may affect their relationship. Everett has an easier time moving forward, but Callie is still stuck in the past and it nearly destroys them.  I loved Everett - he was so patient and loving with Callie. The romance between them felt so real, even when they had problems. It was also great to see catch up a bit with couples and characters from the previous books. I'm really looking forward to Mike's story next.

ARC via Edelweiss